a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

g [Fixed] Doesn't Work with Bob

3 years ago

This mod with Bob's Warfare mod causes a crash. Can we get a compatibility patch for the 2? or is it something else thats wrong here?

3 years ago

Can confirm that it is incompatible with Bob's Warfare. Leaving a thread over there too, but it looks like this mod is incompatible as it leaves the following error on load:

ModManager.cpp:1574: Failed to load mod "bobwarfare": bobwarfare/prototypes/item/armor.lua:324: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
bobwarfare/prototypes/item/armor.lua:324: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
bobwarfare/data.lua:31: in main chunk

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Unfortunately, changes are applied to the default character, and this mod overwrites the animations table. As a temporary fix, change this block in data.lua (lines 29-39):

data.raw.character.character.animations =
        running = running,
        mining_with_tool = running,
        running_with_gun = running_with_gun, -- actually same as rummning, but direction_count = 18
        flipped_shadow_running_with_gun = nil,
        idle = idle,
        idle_with_gun = idle

to this:

for a, animation in pairs(data.raw.character.character.animations) do
    data.raw.character.character.animations[a] =
        running = running,
        mining_with_tool = running,
        running_with_gun = running_with_gun, -- actually same as running, but direction_count = 18
        flipped_shadow_running_with_gun = nil,
        idle = idle,
        idle_with_gun = idle

It's a dirty hack because all animations will be identical, but at least other mods that try to change the default character will find all the fields they need and won't crash the game.

3 years ago

Should be fixed in 1.1.8.

New response