All Rocket Parts Maker

Use Chemical Plants to do All Rocket Parts, using the same resources

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i dynamically allocate

6 years ago

tested against angel's petro chemical bob's plates and probably a few other mods that may be to blame---i'm certain some of those mods edit the base recipe of the rocket fuel, control unit, and low density structure. Without dynamic allocation of recipe ingredients (new recipe should = sum of parsed/read ingredients from within data-final-updates.lua to ensure if a mod such as angels, bobs, or other mod edits the recipe for one or all of the rocket parts, this mod adjusts so it's not a vanilla-based recipe combination (thus cheaper).

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

create a table, populate with list of ingredients using a loop to check against all ingredients used to make the recipe, then have a new recipe created for the combined rocket parts uisng that table. at least, i think that should do the trick..

5 years ago

Man, Sorry for taking so long to respond. I'm trying to figure out how to do this, which although you describe to me I feel so stupid to perform !!! hahah I'll try some ways

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