Alien Loot Rebalanced

by ptx0

Reworked version of the 'Alien Loot Economy' mod, using new textures, icons and rebalanced items, and updated for v1.1 by ptx0.

27 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Issue with Rampant?

3 years ago

I have Rampant (and Bobs enemies) installed and whatever spawns doesn't drop any ore. I tried to activate the "alien loot Rampant fix", but as this has the original alien loot mod as dependency, it activates that one which results in the deactivation of this mod here. The enemies drop ore after this, but I prefer to use your balanced mod instead of the other one.

So I have some issues identifying the reason for the missing drops (especially now with having evolution V active). I am looking into a manual fix to see what this Rampant fix does, but maybe there is an update here, too.

3 years ago

unfortunately I can't do anything about that, you'll have to fork the rampant fix mod and make it depend on this one.

3 years ago

I'll try and see what I can do. At the moment I am looking into the data.lua part which is used to inject the alien-ore drops into the corresponding entities. Maybe it works if I replace yours (which contains a routine for rampant) with the other one. We'll see

3 years ago

alright let me know if you find anything i can change to fix it, the original fix-it mod might have only been made because Alien Loot Economy original author was unresponsive.

3 years ago

Still hunting....

So far your mod and the alientmolue compat fix do the same and inject loot into the same tables. Only difference: the other mod uses a string.match function to find the correct units, you are using fixed values (and forgot one unit type: energy-thief... - not a real issue).

Still I didn't get any drops by replacing the routine.

Then I looked at Bobs enemies which also uses some loot drops which I have disabled (because alien ore is enough). Didn't help, no drops. I might have to reinstall it and play with the settings - maybe something is hidden there.

And what's especially annoying: while being in the start menu and looking at the animations/simulations running in the background, I can see alien ore dropping whenever a spawner is destroyed.

3 years ago

do you have LootChest mods installed as well?

3 years ago

the drops might be hidden by the loot chest collector in the control stage, which is not executed during menu simulations.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Yep, also have loot chest. i have disabled that one now, despite it was working with Alien loot. no change. That's a strange thing here.

I am now trying a different one: I am searching the parts you have changed (lower amount of module levels, different effects), and then will try to change these settings in the original mod, load that one and check what happens then.

3 years ago

So, I gave up yesterday after I found out that when searching for differences between the original alien loot and this one here i actually compared two versions of this mod - and really, didn't find any differences in the recipes....

So today, a different approach. I have copied the recipes with the balanced settings to the original mod, and this gave some strange results. I have disabled the alien mod4 and 5 plus the lvl 21-80 hyper modules. And then I got error messages from another mod (advanced electronics and potentially boblibrary) that the mod lvl 4 recipe and the lvl 4 mod is missing.

So while I still haven't found the bug with the missing ore, it seems that some other mods look up the alien loot mod and adjust some things, and this might(?) result in the different behavior when it comes to droping ore or mot. Like a mod checks if "alien loot" mod is loaded, and if not it disables the loot.

However this is only an idea. What I will do now (as they other mods want to have some modules enabled which don't exist in your version) is to enable them and adjust the values and reduce their impact.

3 years ago

Ok, i give up. The final results are: using your mod, no matter if I disable Bobs enemies and the bobs library (which I thought would disable the loot), I get 0 ore drops. If I use a modified version of alien loot (20 hyper level modules, alien module 4 and 5 enabled again but with changed stats), I get ore drops. And this is the case despite in both cases I use the same function to inject alien ore in the loot table of the Rampant enemies. The loot chest has zero influence on the outcome.

To me it looks like I have another mod running which checks if a module with a given name is active and changes something which in the end disables ore drops if I use your mod instead of the original one.

So i will just use the balanced one with the unmodified name.

3 years ago

you can't disable loot drops in runtime though, you can only hide them when the event is fired off.