AkiGroup deprecated

Mod for playing with my friends. Regroup inventory and much more.

6 years ago
This mod 112 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 112 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 111 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 9.35M
base >= 0.16.30 -
aai-industry >= 0.2.2 528K
advanced-logistics-system >= 0.0.1 52
Aircraft >= 0.0.1 171K
AllLanguageswiththeEnglishnamestoo >= 0.0.1 7
angelsaddons-newlocales >= 0.0.1 25.6K
angelsaddons-petrotrain >= 0.0.1 509
angelsaddons-warehouses >= 0.3.0 933
angelsbioprocessing >= 0.0.1 180K
angelscomponents >= 0.0.1 219
angelsindustries >= 0.1.0 104K
angelsinfiniteores >= 0.7.3 108K
angelslogistics >= 0.2.1 255
angelspetrochem >= 0.7.0 202K
angelsrefining >= 0.0.1 206K
angelssmelting >= 0.4.0 197K
autocraft_revamped >= 0.0.1 10
BalancedSplitters >= 0.0.1 6
belt-legacy >= 0.0.1 2.88K
Bio_Industries >= 2.5.8 54.6K
bobassembly >= 0.0.1 262K
bobclasses >= 0.0.1 95.1K
bobelectronics >= 0.0.1 245K
bobenemies >= 0.16.0 249K
bobinserters >= 0.0.1 352K
boblibrary >= 0.0.1 398K
boblocale >= 0.0.1 78.0K
boblogistics >= 0.16.22 294K
bobmining >= 0.0.1 258K
bobmodules >= 0.0.1 236K
bobores >= 0.16.2 259K
bobplates >= 0.16.3 257K
bobrevamp >= 0.0.1 220K
bobtech >= 0.16.5 235K
bobvehicleequipment >= 0.0.1 184K
bobwarfare >= 0.0.1 264K
Bottleneck >= 0.0.1 271K
CableMaking >= 0.0.1 387
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear >= 0.0.1 19.5K
Clowns-Locale >= 0.0.1 53
Clowns-Locale-German >= 0.0.1 5
Clowns-Nuclear >= 0.0.1 24.6K
Clowns-Processing >= 0.0.1 22.0K
Crafting_Speed_Research >= 0.0.1 61.3K
DeadlockLoaders >= 0.0.1 65
DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon >= 0.0.1 10.9K
DeadlockStacking >= 0.0.1 80
DeathNotice >= 0.0.1 5.03K
Dectorio >= 0.8.5 76.6K
ElectricVehicles >= 0.4.0 7
even-distribution >= 0.0.1 425K
EvoGUI >= 0.0.1 109K
faucet >= 0.0.1 8
FARL >= 0.0.1 47.7K
fast-filter-fill >= 0.0.1 18
folk-shuttle >= 0.0.1 693
folk-stopthat >= 0.0.1 355
Foreman >= 0.0.1 112
GDIW >= 0.0.1 48.0K
GDIWHotkey >= 0.0.1 38
helmod >= 0.0.1 446K
InfiniteInserterCapacity_Research >= 0.0.1 41
infinite-robots >= 0.0.1 7
InfiniteWorkerRobotCapacity_Research >= 0.0.1 32
IondicatorsYellow >= 0.0.1 15
keitetsu-l10n-de >= 0.0.1 7
LogisticTrainNetwork >= 0.0.1 256K
longer-belts-redux >= 0.0.1 18.1K
long-reach-research-upgrade >= 0.0.1 20
Map Ping >= 0.0.1 21
MegaBotStart >= 0.0.1 25.9K
minimap-autohide >= 0.0.1 64
minime >= 0.0.1 30.6K
MoreScience >= 0.0.1 1.72K
MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension >= 0.0.1 38
MoreSciencePacks >= 0.0.1 81
Nanobots >= 0.0.1 188K
nanologistics >= 0.0.1 8
Noxys_Extra_Settings_Info >= 0.0.1 4.29K
omnilib >= 0.0.1 25.4K
omnimatter_permutation >= 0.0.1 4.01K
only-smelting >= 0.0.1 85
PCP >= 0.0.1 17
PickerExtended >= 0.0.1 23.5K
production-monitor >= 0.0.1 7.91K
ProgressiveRunning >= 0.0.1 31
pycoalprocessing >= 0.0.1 75.3K
PyCoalTBaA >= 0.0.1 4.68K
pyfusionenergy >= 0.0.1 70.3K
pyhightech >= 0.0.1 64.5K
pyindustry >= 0.0.1 74.7K
qol_research >= 0.0.1 187K
railloader >= 0.0.1 58.7K
RecExplo >= 0.0.1 7.74K
ResourceLabels >= 0.0.1 21
Robot_Battery_Research >= 0.0.1 87.4K
rso-mod >= 0.0.1 146K
ShinyAngelGFX >= 0.16.1 239
ShinyBobGFX >= 0.16.6 317
ShinyIcons >= 0.16.1 155
Single-Splitter >= 0.0.1 48
SmallRobots >= 0.0.1 3.84K
SmoothWarnings >= 0.0.1 1.81K
SpeedControl >= 0.0.1 29.4K
Squeak Through >= 0.0.1 475K
Teleportation >= 0.0.1 94
Underground Indicators >= 0.0.1 10
upgrade-planner >= 0.0.1 287
UtilizationMonitor >= 0.0.1 20
WarehouseAddons >= 0.1.0 14
Warehousing >= 0.1.2 211K
what-is-it-really-used-for >= 0.0.1 34.3K
Last dependency data update: 2 hours ago (for v0.1.6)