Advanced Personal Defense

by AutoMcD

Adds personal laser turret Mk2 and a personal defense turret which uses ammo instead of energy.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

b Bug when removing APD from armour.

8 years ago

Error message:

Error while running event on_player_removed_equipment (ID 39)
LuaInventory API call when LuaInventory was invalid.
stack traceback:
Advanced_Personal_Defense/control.lua:100: in function <Advanced_Personal_Defense/control.lua:62>
I am trying to remove my APD from my power armour as it is not loading any ammo. I am running APD combined with Power Armour Mk3 and Military research 5 mods. It stopped loading ammo as soon as I researched the Military Research 5 that comes with the Military Research 5 mod. This adds new ammo for guns, rocket launchers and shotguns.

Can you investigate why it does not function as normal?

Side note: It would be nice to be able to tell it what ammo to load in game. This gives me the choice what ammo I want to use when.
Side note 2: I am running on the 14.13 build of factorio and plan to switch when 0.14 is released out of beta.

8 years ago

Most modded ammo I would have to add manually to the config file. The programming is not easy for me, since it's been a few months since I last tried to slog my way through Adil's coding work, it will take some time.

We are close to .15, I'll wait till then to get back in the trenches. Let me know the exact name of the modded ammo you want included and I'll try to make it happen.

New response