Advanced Artillery Remotes Continued

by azaghal

Adds two Advanced Artillery Remotes to the game. Artillery Cluster Remote targets nearby spawners and worms and lays down a carpet of artillery fire against them. Artillery Discovery Remote fires artillery rounds in an arc to assist in map exploration.

1 year, 9 months ago

i Completely replace vanilla remote

1 year, 10 months ago

Hi, I want the option of completely replacing the vanilla remote with the cluster remote, and disabling the discovery remote. I don't use any other artillery mods so for me there would be no downsides.

1 year, 10 months ago

Hello aeosynth,

Thank you posting the suggestion, but... At least for the time being, I don't think I would be implementing something like this. While I understand this could help reduce clutter in some cases, I think it's probably too much of a niche. The way I see it:

  • Vanilla remote behaves differently compared to cluster remote - it guarantees that you will get an artillery shot off into exact spot when you click on the map/surface. This can be helpful for precise aiming when warranted.
  • The mod introduces just two items into (vanilla) game (can be more if more artillery ammo categories are present). While granularity can be helpful in case of some mods out there, I just think it would be too many options for something that is fairly simple extension of the game. (in many ways, I am somewhat starting to regret introducing code that allows for multiple cluster remotes already - it was cool to work on it, but possibly has made things more complicated than what most users will need).

Don't let this discourage you from posting bug reports/features requests in the future, though, I value all (constructive) input and ideas :)

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

As an alternative way, you could go down the route of creating something like a modpack where you could disable particular recipes etc (seeing you have done a bit of modding with Factorio).

I almost wonder if it would be useful to have a kind of generic mod that could be used for disabling particular recipes etc (I could see this being a fairly common use-case for whole lot of mods).

New response