Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Less agressive multiplier

4 months ago

Could you make it so that more specific numbers can be used? I love the mod but it's too overpowered, Can you add the posibility to set a less aggressive multiplier with "coma" like 1,3 or 1,6 instead of having to multiply the value by 2, 3, 4, etc...

4 months ago

I will try if the mod behaves if I change the int setting to a double setting. But if that doesn't work I wouldn't want to invest the time to make this work.
This will also probably introduce some imbalance in the crafting cost depending on how it is rounded.

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