Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Recipe cost Settings

7 months ago

Hi man, i like your mod but it feels like the crafting of higher tiers is just not worth it for me. yes normal panels cost more space but its not like space is issue for me.

it would be nice if you could add switch in mod settings that switch dynamic cost to static cost.(10 x "tier" = 1 x "tier+1")
or maybe do option to chose recipe cost(cheap "only mul", pricier "mul +5" etc.)
yes i know you are trying to balance the mod. but in the end if someone want to "cheat" in singleplayer game(or playing with friends) with just blasting powermultiplier with static recipe cost. it should be their choice as they are ruining their own game.

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

also one more thing. i was editing recipe cost for the advanced recipies and the way you calculate the cost is just wrong.
its based on multiplier + static cost. that means if advanced(green) multiplier is 10 then cost is 10+1 = 11 that means 10% increase in cost.
but if your mult it 100 then it is 100+1 = 101 that means 1% increase in cost
same for other tier where it is tier mul/tier-1 mul + (2 or 5)
that means that if you have 1000/100 + 5 = 15 that is huge penalty of 50% increased cost. but by bumping up numbers 10000/100+5 = 105. thats made it only 5%

you are punishing players that want to save less space than players who want to save more space

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Based on your feedback I would suggest the following changes:
Add 3 difficulty options.
Easy: Next tier costs multiplier previous tier.
Medium: Next tier costs multiplier + round(multiplier / multiplier_previous_tier / 10) previous tier.
Hard: Next tier costs 2 * multiplier previous tier.

Would that be in your interest?

I would leave the additional electronic circuit and iron plate as is or maybe the could receive similar multipliers based on difficulty.

6 months ago

I'm not sure about the levels but I agree with my friend above who said that a change should be made with the costs of the recipes :)

4 months ago

A first version of difficulty settins will launch next monday with 2.0. I've taken the chance to reorganize some things and make it 2.0 compatible. Even uses space age ingredients and science packs if the extension is loaded.

4 months ago

Might need some balancing because I couldn't get a good feeling how easy to make the new ingredients are. Time will tell.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

sorry for late reply. i was taking break from factorio until 2.0

yes new settings sound good.
i will go with easy option anyway as i dont make factories so big where space or ups are issue. its just anoying to build 5gigawats of solar panels and acumulators not hard just anoying.

also idea if you want to add more content to your mod in future. you could use new materials from dlc or something to create combination of solars and accumulators in one building

or combined solars and accumulators for modular armor with high cost because of limited space in grid

4 months ago

I've looked into creating combined entities ( but decided against since factorio is quite limited in what a single building can do and i would need to spawn an invisible accumulator for each panel. I don't know the performance implications of that. And it's clunky in the implementation. Maybe one day.
First gotta ensure 2.0 compatibility and fix any remaining bugs.

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