Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [DONE] Advanced Accumulators are SLOW

1 year, 24 days ago

I noticed when I was starting to switch out my vanilla accumulators for the ones from this mod that I started having outages overnight, even though I didn't increase demand at all. I realized looking at my Elite Accumulators that can hold 6 GJ, they can only charge/ discharge at 100 kW. This seems like some math is going very very wrong. Is there anything in the settings I can tweak to fix this? For context, I've had one of these on the grid since I crafted it 3 hours ago, and it has roughly 220 MJ, this is very unusable.

1 year, 23 days ago
(updated 1 year, 23 days ago)

can you please post a list of the mods you are using?
Also please post the full stats of all 3 accumulator tiers (capacity, max output, max input).
There is the possibility that another mod messes with the vanilla accumulators before the final fixes are applied.
And also: Have you configured the mod settings in some way?

1 year, 23 days ago

Mod List:
Advanced Solar HR 0.6.14
Ammo Alerts 1.1.11
Armored Train (Turret wagons) 0.4.6
Belt Balancer (Improved Balancer) 3.2.0
Combat robot Overhaul 2.1.9
Concreep Refilled 1.0.0
Factorio Library 0.13.0
Factorio Standard Library 1.4.8
Factorissimo 2 - notnotmelon fork 1.2.3
Fill4Me 0.10.1
Industrial Revolution 3 3.1.20
IR 3 Assets packs 1-4
Liborio 1.1.1
LTN - Logistic Train Network 1.18.6
LTN Cleanup 1.0.17
LTN Combinator Modernized 2.1.4
LTN Content Reader 1.0.3
LTN Language Pack 1.11.10
LTN Manager 0.4.25
MF: Base 0.5.0
Miniloader 1.15.7
Mobile Factory 0.11.4
Mobile Factory Graphics 0.5.0
Nanobots: Early Bots 3.2.19
RPG Items 0.21.8
RPG System 1.3.5
Shield Generators 0.3.6
Show Max Underground distance 0.0.8

Accumulator Full Stats
Advanced Accumulator: 600 MJ Capacity, Max In and Out 10.0 kW
Elite Accumulator: 6.0 GJ Capacity, Max In and Out 100 kW
Ultimate Accumulator: 60.0 GJ, Max In and Out 1.0 MW

The regular accumulator is 60.0 MJ Capacity, Max in and Out 1.0 MW

I haven't configured any of the mod settings myself.
When I look it's set to advanced solar and the accumulator multiplier is 10, Elite is 100, and Ultime is 1000.
Do you need any other info?

10 months ago

I am playing IR3 too. I found that IR3 has code file that buffs accumulator max in and out power to 1 MW (default is 300 kW). That make the auto tracking setting the wrong value (cause the file of advanced solar "set" the number only with kW, not with MW). Hope this info helpful to you!

8 months ago

I kinda forgot this thread. Sorry about that. I'll think I got time this week to look into it.

7 months ago

This should be fixed in v0.6.15. It now also extracts the base unit and multiplies using that.
So 1MW base gets multiplied by 1000 and then MW gets added back. Same for kW or any other unit up to TW. Should be fine (for now)

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