Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [DONE] Doesn't adapt to modded solar panel

1 year, 3 months ago

Hi, first thank for the mod, it's great!

I'm currently playing with other mod (Krastorio 2) and I realized that Krastorio 2 boost the solar panel to 100kW, however this mod doesn't adapt to it, for example with the advanced solar panel with the x10 multiplayer I expected it to be 1MW instead of the 600kW, and since the cost doesn't change, it cost 1100kW of solar panel to make one advanced of 600kW which greatly change the benefit of the mod (as you would have way more power without using it)

So I wonder if you could adapt to it or offer a parameter to change it ?

1 year, 3 months ago

I will look into this. It would be optimal if we just use the stock values as basis for the calculation. Currently fighting with krastorio since it seems to change the data after my mod is loaded.

1 year, 3 months ago

Fixed in 0.6.12. Enjoy!

1 year, 3 months ago

Hello. Thanks for adapting the mod to Krastorio 2, but it's maybe more related with Space Exploration, that changes the solar panel performance depending on the planet, orbit... (I'm not sure, just believing/asking)

Another thing is that you have changed the values incorrectly, now green solar panels generate 1.00 GW, that is broken. They should generate x10, not x10000.

Finally, are textures HD? With FactorioHD mod, I see normal solar panels better than these. They have like the vanilla resolution.

Thank you again :)

1 year, 3 months ago

Echoing the comment by @Supre39 - each one is generating 10000x the power of the previous level, not 10x as it is configured in the startup settings!

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

Hi! Got the same issue, values multiplied by 10^3 out of the box. Got a feeling something is not right when two green panels outperformed my nuclear setup :)

elite_solar.production = .06 * mul .. "MW"
elite_solar.production = numberextractor(data.raw["solar-panel"]["solar-panel"]["production"]) * mul .. "MW"

I guess that numberextractor gets the value in KW.
env: K2, without SE.

1 year, 2 months ago

You are entirely correct I missed that completely. Just checked that advanced to the next is x10. I'm fixing this right now. Expect a fix in a few min.

1 year, 2 months ago

Fixed in 0.6.13. I've also pulled 0.6.12 from downloads.

New response