Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [CANT FIX] Upgrade Basic to ultimate

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello, We can't upgrade the basic accumulator with accumulator of your mods (using blueprint) (Space exploration, K2)

3 years ago

Thanks for the report. I'm going to have a look into the issue. Poke me again if I don't respond within a week ;)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I think this is intended behavior. When trying to upgrade yellow transport belt with blue using a blueprint the same error message appears. You should be using an upgrade planner to do what you want.

3 years ago

It is precisely by using this one that the upgrade does not appear.

3 years ago

Okay I will take another look. Can you provide your full mod list with version numbers? That would be helpful.

3 years ago


3 years ago


  "name": "base",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "aai-industry",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "aai-signal-transmission",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "AF-Infinite-Technology",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Aircraft",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "alien-biomes",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "alien-biomes-hr-terrain",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "ammo-loader",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "AutoDeconstruct",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "BetterAlertArrows",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "BetterFluidColorsUpdated",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "bobenemies",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "bobinserters",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "cargo-ships",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "cargo-ships-graphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "chest",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "classic-beacon",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "comb",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Enhanced_Map_Colors",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "EpicArtillerySounds",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "EpicWeaponSounds",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "even-distribution",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "factoryplanner",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "flib",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "HelicopterRecolored",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "HelicopterRevival",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "hercules-robots",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "heroturrets",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "informatron",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "jetpack",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "KitchsLessIntrusiveIcons",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Krastorio2",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "liborio",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Make_Artillery_Great_Again",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Mower",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "OreEraser",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "PatchFR",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "PollutionColour",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "power-grid-comb",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "qol_research",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "qsMenuRevived",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "railloader",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "RealisticFlashlight",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Realistic_Heat_Glow",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "robot_attrition",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Science_pack_glow",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "shield-projector",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration-graphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration-graphics-2",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration-graphics-3",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration-graphics-4",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration-graphics-5",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration-hr-graphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "space-exploration-postprocess",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "ThickerLines",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Turbwhine",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "VoidChestPlus",
  "enabled": true


3 years ago

I'm sorry but I can't reproduce your problem. Works for me:
All mods you listed are installed as you can see by the inferno in the background :D

3 years ago

Sorry for the very late reply but I was talking about Accumulator and not a solar panel.

3 years ago

Hello I've updated the gallery with images showing that it also works with accumulators.
I don't know what's wrong with your install. Maybe you can zip your mods folder so I also get all your mod settings etc?
What Factorio version are you on?

3 years ago

Factorio latest version
Alls mods (zip) :

3 years ago

I don't think it is possible to fix.
Upgrading within the accumulators of my mod works. But upgrading from the vanilla accumulator to the mod versions does not work. Space Exploration overwrites the "next_upgrade" target to their own "space-accumulator" and you can't have multiple "next_upgrade" targets. It's just loaded later so it get's preference. And even if I would implement some kind of post-fix script that repairs it, that would still not guarantee it working in addition to breaking space explorations accumulator upgrade logic.
So no luck unfortunately.

New response