Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [DONE] Help me find suitable crafting times / technology cost

5 years ago

As some may have noticed, the crafting time decreased on all advanced panels/accumulators to the standard panel/accumulator crafting time. This is due to the restructuring of the internals that now deepcopy the base game values. I would be happy to take your suggestions for craftings times of the respective panels to balance them a bit.

Also i would like your feedback about the technology cost. Is it too cheap or maybe too expensive?
For my liking it's a little cheap but i would like to confirm with you all beforehand.

Please take a minute and use this form if possible:

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hello LsHallo :)
would like to suggest following changes in order to balance the potential benefits:

  1. remove the last panel/accumulator. Energy production boosted by factor 1000 is too OP imo (using the same space as regular panels/accumulators)
  2. rename recipes/entities to "accumulator-*" & "solar-panel-*" for better readability/consistency
  3. cost changes:

accumulator-mk2 (stats x10)
research old: (red, green, blue)x150, 45s
research new: (red, green, blue, purple)x300, 45s
crafting old: (10x accumulator, 10x battery, 25x iron-plate), 25s
crafting new: (10x accumulator, 20x advanced-circuit, 20x steel-plate), 50s
accumulator-mk3 (stats x100)
research old: (red, green, blue, purple)x150, 45s
research new: (red, green, blue, purple, yellow)x450, 60s
crafting old: (10x accumulator-mk2, 25x battery, 45x iron-plate), 25s
crafting new: (10x accumulator-mk2, 20x processing-unit, 20x low-density-structure), 250s
solar-panel-mk2 (stats x10)
research old: (red, green, blue)x250, 45s
research new: (red, green, blue, purple)x500, 45s
crafting old: (10x solar-panel, 15x electronic-circuit, 25x steel-plate), 10s
crafting new: (10x solar-panel, 20x advanced-circuit, 20x steel-plate), 50s
solar-panel-mk3 (stats x100)
research old: (red, green, blue, purple)x250, 60s
research new: (red, green, blue, purple, yellow)x750, 60s
crafting old: (10x solar-panel-mk2, 15x advanced-circuit, 25x iron-plate), 10s
crafting new: (10x solar-panel-mk2, 20x processing-unit, 20x low-density-structure), 250s
Regards, raneo

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

another solution, keeping the third tier:

accumulator-mk8 (stats x8)
research new: (red, green, blue, purple)x300, 60s
crafting new: (8x accumulator, 1x speed-module, 1x effectivity-module, 1x productivity-module), 40s
accumulator-mk64 (stats x64)
research new: (red, green, blue, purple, yellow)x450, 60s
crafting new: (8x accumulator-mk8, 1x speed-module-2, 1x effectivity-module-2, 1x productivity-module-2), 160s
accumulator-mk512 (stats x512)
research new: (red, green, blue, purple, yellow, white)x600, 60s
crafting new: (8x accumulator-mk64, 1x speed-module-3, 1x effectivity-module-3, 1x productivity-module-3), 640s
solar-panel-mk8 (stats x8)
research new: (red, green, blue, purple)x500, 60s
crafting new: (8x solar-panel, 1x speed-module, 1x effectivity-module, 1x productivity-module), 40s
solar-panel-mk64 (stats x64)
research new: (red, green, blue, purple, yellow)x750, 60s
crafting new: (8x solar-panel-mk8, 1x speed-module-2, 1x effectivity-module-2, 1x productivity-module-2), 160s
solar-panel-mk512 (stats x512)
research new: (red, green, blue, purple, yellow, white)x1000, 60s
crafting new: (8x solar-panel-mk64, 1x speed-module-3, 1x effectivity-module-3, 1x productivity-module-3), 640s

mk512 panels or accumulators are extremely expensive. This way it feels more rewarding getting them and saving space/ups

5 years ago

After some tinkering and decision making I come up with the following proposal to get us on a middle ground:
Technology names have to stay like they are. I've tried renaming them but the naming scheme with the numbers appended is handled specially and the technologies in the tree are not named advanced, elite anymore. Instead they are "solar energy 2" "solar energy 3" etc.

I will not remove the last tier of panels. I do think some prefer this high tier in this mod since there are alternatives with smaller increments out there that can be used alternatively. Or you can just create your own rule that you will not use the last tier in your game which is also sufficient.

I've increased the technology cost as you suggested only leaving out the newly suggested sience packs as I like the progress the mod currently has and my solar field does not have to grow past 10k panels or so to sustain my factory which is a nice and acceptable size for me.

Your crafting price suggestions are a bit rough for my liking. I've about doubled the resource cost for the panels and accumulators and adjusted their craft times, but I don't feel comfortable pushing it any further.

5 years ago

maybe unify the crafting time to like 10~15 seconds, and make the ultimate to be 12x better than elite, rather than 10, just asking.

New response