Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [DONE] 0.17.23 - Failed to load mods: Error in assignID, technology with name electric-energy-accumulators-1 does not exist

5 years ago

Using the latest version, but mod still failing?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Me too, since updating from 0.17.21 to 0.17.23. I think, that smth. has changed in the last update and taking a look into his github repro, he already fixed it and I assume that it takes a bit time, until the next release is available but it shouldn't take that much time, hopefully.

5 years ago

Me too. I just lost 100k accumulators and another 100k solar panels worth of elite's from this mod. Now my factory has very little power production and no power storage. It also broke all the other mods that do the same thing this one does. I really hope this is fixed soon, I dont have the space for that many vanilla solar panels and accumulators.

5 years ago

It's due to factorio changing the in-game name of built-in accumulators and it has already been fixed in the code, but just needs to be released.

5 years ago

It's good to know, how LUA works, I repeaired it myself. But still waiting for offical release

5 years ago

Release now! Thank you for noticing, I was still playing 0.17.16 because it seemed more stable.

5 years ago

Me too. I just lost 100k accumulators and another 100k solar panels worth of elite's from this mod. Now my factory has very little power production and no power storage. It also broke all the other mods that do the same thing this one does. I really hope this is fixed soon, I dont have the space for that many vanilla solar panels and accumulators.

Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you have a backed up file that you can load with the new, fixed version.

5 years ago

Me too. I just lost 100k accumulators and another 100k solar panels worth of elite's from this mod. Now my factory has very little power production and no power storage. It also broke all the other mods that do the same thing this one does. I really hope this is fixed soon, I dont have the space for that many vanilla solar panels and accumulators.

Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you have a backed up file that you can load with the new, fixed version.

Unfortunately i wasn't prepared for this, so i didn't have a backup and lost all of it. Now that it's fixed, I'm going to keep all the vanilla panels and batteries i've placed since then, while also making elites from this mod. Thanks for fixing it, you're great!

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