Advanced Solar HR

by LsHallo

Adds higher tiers of solar panels and accumulators. (Default production multiplier *10, *100, *1000. Configurable). Makes space efficient solar farms viable and reduces the hassle to place as many panels.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [DONE] 5Dim's crafting menu compatibility?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

As there is no github? I cannot PR but would it be possible you add 5Dim's craftingmenu compatibility? (Example below)
data.lua (at end)
if mods["5dim_core"] then

prototypes/item-group-5d.lua (new file or splitted as preferred)
data.raw.item["advanced-solar"].subgroup = "energy-solar-panel"
data.raw.item["advanced-solar"].order = "b"
data.raw.item["elite-solar"].subgroup = "energy-solar-panel"
data.raw.item["elite-solar"].order = "c"
data.raw.item["ultimate-solar"].subgroup = "energy-solar-panel"
data.raw.item["ultimate-solar"].order = "d"

data.raw.item["advanced-accumulator"].subgroup = "energy-accumulator"
data.raw.item["advanced-accumulator"].order = "b"
data.raw.item["elite-accumulator"].subgroup = "energy-accumulator"
data.raw.item["elite-accumulator"].order = "c"
data.raw.item["ultimate-accumulator"].subgroup = "energy-accumulator"
data.raw.item["ultimate-accumulator"].order = "d"

------ forgot to say thx in advance ;)

5 years ago

Thank you for supplying the code necessary to implement the feature. Version 0.3.1 has 5dim integration.

New response