Adjustable Science

Allows you to adjust the recipes of science packs.

6 years ago

g I am in shock!

7 years ago

Really, I am shocked by this simple and genius idea!

So many mods coming around with different views of how science should be balanced and how not... Everyone with they own opinion and launching another mod with their slight difference....

And this... this is amazing! Everyone can have their own setup, their own way of seeing science without 100 slightly different science mods on the portal!

You are a genius!

7 years ago

Thanks. Everyone wanted to try different setups but lacked the modding expertise to do so themselves. I wanted to make that easier. Really, you should thank Rseding for designing the v0.15 mod settings idea. Without it this mod wouldn't be possible.

6 years ago

I really like this mod, But I'm having troubles with it. I got the recipes to change the first time, but since then no matter what I do they don't change anymore. Kind of frustrating

6 years ago

FaKePoSeR, unfortunately, all save games store the recipes at the time of the save in a read-only manner. The science recipes cannot be adjusted after saving. I'll look into workarounds though.

6 years ago

There is a way to get it to work with enabling/disabling, but you pretty much have to be sure of your decisions :P gotcha

6 years ago

That is a clever workaround, but I've got a better one. Use the /update-recipes command I just added to refresh the recipes when they get stuck.

6 years ago

Hey bro. I used your mod and it was very useful for my base, but will you fix this mod for version 0.16 soon. I really need it and not only me but many players are waiting for this. Thanks for this mod.πŸ˜ƒ

6 years ago

Hey bro. I used your mod and it was very useful for my base, but will you fix this mod for version 0.16 soon. I really need it and not only me but many players are waiting for this. Thanks for this mod.πŸ˜ƒ

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