Additional turrets

by sore68

Adds more turrets and shells.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

i range upgrades for the howitzers were removed in the 0.15 update, can you add them again?

7 years ago

I really love this mod, especially the enhanced electron beam turrets and the experimental heavy howitzers, where I used them to great effect in the version 0.14, but since the update to 0.15 I recently started a factory, and I noticed that there are no upgrades at all for the howitzers, all the researches for their bonuses have been removed, and I wanted to ask you to add them back in, and possibly even infinite researches, as you have done with the Mk.1, Mk.2, and Mk.3 turret damages.while you're at it, could you also add bonuses for the enhanced electron beam turret? I would be most gratified.

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