Additional turrets

by sore68

Adds more turrets and shells.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

a I can not afford the time. :(

7 years ago

Thank you for using this mod!
I have a new job! :D
but business hours are very outrageous. :(

Next changes
Electric barbed wire - Design is not completed.
Unification of images of turrets - Maybe cancel..

I am not sure of the possibility.
But please let me know if there are any errors.

Sorry and thank you.

7 years ago

First of all, awesome mod, only one i cant play without! Great job, and please keep up the work!

Considering your job, I don't want to pressure you, but please consider bumping up version for factorio 0.15

Thanks again and good luck!

7 years ago

total agree

7 years ago

Damm was an amazing mod! Really missing that one... if youd find some time left, please up to 15

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