Adds more turrets and shells.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
New ways to deal with enemies, be it attack or defense.
Hi Thank you for using this mod! I have a new job! :D but business hours are very outrageous. :(
Next changes Electric barbed wire - Design is not completed. Unification of images of turrets - Maybe cancel..
I am not sure of the possibility. But please let me know if there are any errors.
Sorry and thank you.
First of all, awesome mod, only one i cant play without! Great job, and please keep up the work!
Considering your job, I don't want to pressure you, but please consider bumping up version for factorio 0.15
Thanks again and good luck!
total agree
Damm was an amazing mod! Really missing that one... if youd find some time left, please up to 15