Additional turrets

Adds more turrets and shells.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Turret issues

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I cant seem to get the destroyer to work, it just keeps requesting, and when i try to pick up either the destroyer or the howitzer when it has ammo in it the game crashes. I also cant seem to get the howitzers to work either, I am constantly getting the low ammo icon.

5 years ago

the error info:

Error while running event Additional-Turret-updated::on_tick (ID 0)
Additional-Turret-updated/control.lua:1106: attempt to call global 'writeDebug' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Additional-Turret-updated/control.lua:1106: in function 'Turrets_Action'
Additional-Turret-updated/control.lua:199: in function <Additional-Turret-updated/control.lua:181>

5 years ago

What is you Version from Additional Turret and have you another Turret Mods?

5 years ago

Same Problem here Dark Nova =)

I want to do a Video (for the german factorio fans) for my youtube channel and your mod is next on the list, but I can't get the Howiter to work and the Destroyer crashes when I try to pick something up.

I will show you ... give me a sec

5 years ago

Hey Nova, here you go: Check out out I showed you all the problems I had (Howitzer, Destroyer and Capsual Flower)

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