AC Aircraft - PBY

Adds the PBY5 Catalina, a very famous aircraft to Factorio. This particular version has been made to more closely match the style of the game. Capable of landing on water (thanks to a fast update by haih_ys) 6/12/23 *Its completely feature functional now, just dont land on the land or youl be beached! 6/11/23 *new graphics! 6/9/23 *release

1 year, 21 days ago

g Where shadows

1 year, 23 days ago

Where are the shadows?

1 year, 23 days ago

So the way realistic aircraft works is by having two vehicles, one for the ground, and one for the air, at the moment it wont remove the shadows form the ground vehicle despite my best efforts, so for now the PBY has no shadows when its on the ground, when you take off they should appear. the ground shadows are ready to be activated when I figure out whats going on.
My best guess is that because im using strips for the shadows instead of a single tilesheet, RealisticAircraft isnt removing all of them, which destroys any sense of flight.

1 year, 22 days ago

Ah yeah I remember something regarding stripes and sheets there. That's why i overhauled all of my plane mods at one point. You could have a look at my which manages them all and makes em play nicely with aircraft realism.

1 year, 22 days ago

I will take a look, and also good news, the update for Aircraft Realism is out and now it wont explode on water, at least after im done configuring it

1 year, 21 days ago

Shadows have been completely fixed! and the new update for Aircraft realism is out so it now works on water

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