Category Integrations for 5Dim

Compatibity extension for various other mods to sort their items into the 5Dim categories.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g 2.0 Update? - YES and taking requests again

a month ago

Will this be updated in the future?

a month ago

I'll see if I can get a crude update out today that will at least let it load. Then I'll go over any updated recipes over the coming days.

a month ago

Awesome, Thanks mate.

a month ago

What mods are you running that I should tackle first?

a month ago

I've updated all the mods it used to support that have 2.0 versions.

There are some alternate authors of some of the old mods that have made versions of them for 2.0, but sometimes multiples exist. Therefore, I'll have to get requests for a specific alternate to be added. Also open to adding other new mods.

a month ago

I was able to get Simply Greenhouse, More Ammo, Electric Furnaces Revamp and KS Power added over lunch. More after I fly tomorrow.

a month ago

Finished off your list during my gig. Enjoy!

Let me know if anything isn't in a 5Dim category and I'll bugfix.

a month ago

thanks mate.

New response