12x9 scenario : Deathworld edition

A 12x9 factorio world, but a bit harder / more annoying :)

a month ago

g Spoilers (don't read, unless you need!)

a month ago

You might have noticed that there's no place for chest and you can't possibly fit all rocket components needed on you... You need to prepare in chests : 720 rocket fuel , 4 prod-3's , rocket silo, power pole and solar pannel, ~660 LDS's, power armor mk2, research logistic bots, enough materials for 60 LDS and enough materials for 720 rocket control units.

Then you must set manual crafting for 720 rocket control units, as many LDS's as you are still missing and grab rocket fuel prods3, silo pole and pannel. Fit rocket fuel into trash slots of logistic network - if needed.

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