Upgrade Builder and Planner 1.6

by d3x0r

Automatically upgrade buildings by hand or with construction robots.

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16
7 years ago
Latest Version:
1.6.1 (7 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 0.16
Downloaded by:
36 users

Automatically upgrade buildings by hand or with construction robots.

Forum thread : https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?uid=44344&f=92&t=50975

Use button in upper left of screen to access configuration GUI. Drop an item onto a square in the left column or left-click an empty space to
show item picker dialog. The left item is the item to convert from. The items on the right side are the items to replace the left item.

Click the save button on the bottom to make the current configuration the active configuration. Click the Clear All button on the bottom to start
a new plan.

There is a button on the bottom of the left configuration dialog that is used to upgrade blueprints. Having a blueprint in hand and clicking on the
button will update all items in the blueprint according to the configuration.

In the inventory screen selection there is a new tool available that you can click to create. This is the upgrade planner tool, and
is used by having it in hand and drag-selecting a region where items should be upgraded. Shift-click will select the region to be upgrade
by bots; so you can select much larger areas to upgrade.

The second dialog opened to the right allows saving a set of updates as a configuration that can later be recalled. Click the restore button to
load the configuration into the current set of upgrades and make it active. Click the Remove button to remove a configuration.


  • U - show/hide upgrade planner
  • Ctrl-U - show/hide upgrade planner button (top left icon)

Module upgrades

Work in progress; right now, it can easily, for example, replace Speed-1 to Speed-2 modules; it can even change module types
(possibly breaking rules like productivity can only be placed on intermediate products; No, beware, the modules will get eaten if they are placed invalidly). Have been ability to configure each slot
as a module type, swapping no-module to some-module. If you have any feedback please leave a message in the forum.

Terraform the world!

As a byproduct of allowing landfill(grass), you can put down brick in a desert, set a plan to upgrade brick to landfill and use landfill to fill a desert. Probably will be some combinations that fail to generate correct edge blending.

Outstanding Issues

Replace rails with shift-click causes tracks to skew. Rail offsets need to be applied during bot-upgrade mode.


1.6.1 - update to factorio 1.6.
1.3.914 - fix tile replacement which could deconstruct things on tiles; fix landfill to not cause crash.
1.3.913 - remove migration script which kills original upgrade planner buttons.
1.3.912 - fix clear configuration line button.
1.3.911 - update base version dependency version (tile selection mode api change)
1.3.910 - add migration script to remove old gui elements.
1.3.909 - update for latest api ... defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode used to be defines.tile_filter_mode.filter_mode
1.3.908 - fix localization strings for upgrade-builder2.
1.3.907 - revert landfill prohibition; fix flying text on tile out of items.
1.3.906 - prohibit setting grass as a target tile type. Fix a couple icon reversion during error crashes.
1.3.905 - fix crash setting same item on a blank row; item in first colum same type on blank caused error.
1.3.903-904 - Add ability to upgrade tiles; in blue prints, on the ground(player), and by bots (shift-click).
1.3.902 - Fix compatibility with original upgrade-planner. (rename internals to upgrade-planner2) Update graphic resources.
1.3.901 - fix usage after making functions local. Very big apology on that prior version. Didn't check actually using the upgrade planner after all the GUI fixes and function localizing.
1.3.9 - Fix no-module properties to have some bonus not 0 (fix compat with helmod; all 0 leave no module_effects in game). Add replace button to overwrite previous config. Cleanup remove configuration code to just delete the items.
1.3.8 - If new item is an error; restore previous item instead of clearing square. (Item is different type, item already in list, makes the item the same)
1.3.7 - fix upgrading items that are not inserters. ( can't get inserter properties on non inserters)
1.3.6 - Add copy of inserter pickup and drop position. (Bob's Inserters support)
1.3.5 - Add upgrading blueprint entity's modules
1.3.4 - Add ability to upgrade modules.
1.3.3 - fix upgrading rails that overlap other rails. Fix upgrading rail curves which count as 4 rails not just 1 item.
1.3.2 - fix crash when removing and re-adding a configuration set.
1.3.1 - fix missing graphic.
1.3.0 - able to upgrade train rails. Fixes tooltip updates. Fixes missing translation string. Auto commits reloaded plans to active plan.
Blueprints now get their icon images updated also.

Pre-fork history

Credit where credit is due.

Original Mod By kds71
Version 1.1.10 by malk0lm
Updated to 0.13.6 by Slayer1557
Improved to use 0.13 API features by Klonan

-1.2.17 - Able to upgrade blueprints, also added hotkey for toggling gui visibility and button visiblity

-1.2.16 - Hacked in choose elem button

-1.2.15 - 0.15 compatibility, New gui

-1.2.14 - Removed distance chacking as it was annoying, Fixed raised event error.

-?? 1.3? where did that go?
1.3.9 - Adds a new item and recipe (unlocked with Upgrade builder technology) - "Upgrade Builder" - that allows you to replace entities on the map using construction robots. Entities are replaced by hand unless you hold shift when selecting an area to mark it for bots to upgrade.

-Version 1.2.12 - Fixed belt not valid crash

-Version 1.2.12 - Fixed another belt not valid crash

-Version 1.2.11 - Fixed gui not showing on player joining a game

-Version 1.2.9 - If you upgrade one half of an underground belt it will try to upgrade the other half

-Version 1.2.8 - Fixed error about removed mod items

-Version 1.2.7 - Fixed on_built_entity error

-Version 1.2.6 - Upgrade planner will now raise events preplayer_mined_item, player_mined_item and on_built_entity

-Version 1.2.5 - For factorio 0.14 - Added support for deconstructing trees like this:

-Version 1.2.3 - Uses better method where possible to replace entities.

-Version 1.2.2 - Minor fixes and further cleanup by Klonan, recipe changed to deconstruction planner, Change from text button to image button

-Version 1.2 - I asked Klonan if we could cooperate and incorporate his version of the mod. The result is a much more powerful Upgrade builder. Now you are able to upgrade entities by hand, rather than relying on robots. You can still tell robots to do it by holding the shift key when designating the area.

-Version 1.1.12 - Added German Localization courtesy of Luma88 and Russian courtesy of RikkiLook. BUXFIX: Underground belts will now maintain their orientation when upgraded.