Hardy fire resistant bush

Fire bugs delight :) Forrest regrow after being destroyed and allows player to grow trees.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14
7 years ago
Latest Version:
1.14.8 (7 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.13 - 0.14
Downloaded by:
6 users

Have you become addicted to burning things since Factorio 0.13 came out?
But find that you run out of trees before you run out of Flame Thrower Ammo!

Well, worry no more this MOD is for you :)

The Aussie Bush is hardy and grows well after a good burn.

This MOD allows trees to drop seeds when they are destroyed, after a period of time, they will germinate into seedlings of which will eventually grow back into full sized trees.
You can also harvest the trees for the usual wood and a few seeds, of which you can craft into saplings for planting manually.

Recommend using skomick's Tree Collision and DevilWarriors Chainsaw with this MOD

Change Log
0.14.8 - New trees will now blend in with surrounding trees and maintain the natural look of the forest.
0.14.7 - Saplings no longer sprout in players area and annoy you, by getting in the way of placing stuff
0.14.6 - Updated Tech Graphic, removed chance for exponential tree regrowth
0.14.5 - Restored release Config from the test Config released with 14.4
0.14.4 - Decreased MOD idle CPU usage by 20%, reduced sapling HP so saplings won't stop cars, reduced Grow time.
0.14.3 - removed debug print calls
0.14.2 - adjusted sapling placement equation for more even distribution (ie fixed silly logic error)
0.14.1 - added code to reduce CPU usage and prevent super dense jungle from forming
0.14.0 - basic up date to work with Factorio 0.14

PS I would like to thank JJtJJ for inspiration to this mod as I wouldn't have created it without first loving the idea of his mod TreeSeeds :)