Building Platform

by Neemys

Add building platform at world generation. Some building can only be placed on those platform. You will need to take care on how you do some design to fit them on building platform and your base will have less space to expand.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b [Solved] Crash when using Caves

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

When using the Mod Building Plattform and Caves, I always get the following error:
Error while running event Caves::on_tick (ID 0)
Unknown entity: building-platform.
stack traceback:
Caves/control.lua:595: in function 'finalizeChunk'
Caves/control.lua:633: in function 'createMoreChunks'
Caves/control.lua:691: in function <Caves/control.lua:677>

The error will occure when you generate ores only in caves or on surface and caves.

6 years ago

I put my investigation in the other thread(a bit lengthy, don't want to duplicate it)

6 years ago

Discussion will continue on the other thread.

New response