Xmas Feels

by Seeeno

Change some graphics into xmas theme; Seeno, darkfrei

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Power Poles

4 years ago

What about a smaller scaled version of the candy cane for small power poles, the current candy cane for medium poles and the tree for sub stations. Just as late game sub stations become very commonly used so would be nice to have something for them.
I assume there can't be another candy cane type pole graphic made by whom mad these..

4 years ago

Hey muppet9010 :)
Sadly I don't have the time at my hands to update the mod and I am not a modder myself.
We used this mod for our one time charity event last year.
If you know how to mod and want to do it yourself, go ahead ... the images we used are all free to use. =)

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