Xander Mod

An extensive overhaul, emphasizing detailed and realistic chemistry, materials, and production. Extends the base game to marathon-style complexity.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Fluid input in Ore processor vs Electrolyzer

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


Thanks for making this mod, I love it!

I noticed that fluid handling seems to work differently in the Ore Processor and the Electrolyzer. In the former, if I place two of them next to each other and select a recipe that requires water e.g., fluids pass through (which is very convenient). However, in the Electrolyzer it doesn't happen (e.g. for the Chloralkali process where the Salt Brine doesn't flow through). Both machines look like those pipes should be input only but they don't behave the same.

Is it a bug that fluids pass through the ore processor or is it a bug that it also doesn't happen for the Electrolyzer (and consequently the input/output sprites might be wrong on both of them)?


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