Xander Mod

An extensive overhaul, emphasizing detailed and realistic chemistry, materials, and production. Extends the base game to marathon-style complexity.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Balance

3 years ago

Hi! I keep enjoying your awesome mod, thanks for your efforts!
I like the realism of matter not being vanished anywhere (due to law of conservation of mass). Please consider rebalance of fluid consumption and production in some late-game tech trees viz;
distilled water in aluminia prodction (therefore should be increased hydrogen consumption while carbon-hydrogen reverse forward or increased distilled water consumption in ALhydroxide recipe) β€” we gain water out of nowhere.
SO2 in several recipes (like nickel/galena/copper smelting), even when we process SO2 later into sulfuric acid and use it for crafting of finish product (like copper plate) we gain extra SO2. I believe there should be increased sulfuric acid consumption. In case of nickel production you can access to "free" (without any sulfur in production chain) sulfuric acid also out of nowhere.
IMO. All this stuff leads to requirement must-have of large fields with waste dumps to keep factory working without overflow stuck.

P.s. Maybe increasing throughput of waste dump could help too (like x10 times faster/larger dumping)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Remeber that in some metalurgical receipes (in real world) you receive the sulfuric oxides from the minerals themselfes.

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