Xander Mod

An extensive overhaul, emphasizing detailed and realistic chemistry, materials, and production. Extends the base game to marathon-style complexity.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Standard Electrolyser

4 years ago

Hey, First of all, i love this mode, its really a long playthrough.
But i thin i got a wall around starting to make blue science. I got everything runnink expect Acified Water Electrolisis. I have all the input pipes connected, full of water and sulfuric acid, the electrolyser fills with water but not with acid. It only works for a second, when i delete the connected acid pipe, and it pushes the excess fluid into the machine. Then it created 1 or 2 cycles, then stops working. If i reconnect the pipe, it wont do anything at all. Output pipes are all empty expect the the 2 cycles of hydrogen and oxigen. https://imgur.com/21fvgU7 here is the situation. Thx For help

4 years ago

I hit the exact same issue as above: Electrolyzer won't fill with sulfuric acid. Factorio 0.18.34, v3.4.3 of Xander; only mods I'm using are Xander Mod and Xander Mod Graphics Pack 0 and 1.

Absolutely love the mod, btw.

4 years ago

file: xander-mod_3.4.4\lists\entities.lua
line: 334
base_level = -1,

I think I figured it out. Note: Not tested. Please respond here if this works.

One of the inputs on the electrolyzer is setup incorrectly to have a "base level" of 1 instead of -1

My cursory investigation into fluid boxes indicates that the base level needs to be low enough so that fluids can flow in. My guess is that pipes have a base level of 0 and a height of 1, so they can't get up over the base level. In a way, the input is acting like an output. Sort of.

In \lists\entities.lua find the entry for electrolyzer-1. Find the fluid_boxes and set each one marked production_type = "input" to have base_level = -1.

Make sure you leave the ouputs to +1 though.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)
  • can't get up over the base level of the input
4 years ago

Yeah tested it, and works! thanks you

4 years ago

Easier fix is also to connect a pump to the sulfuric acid input directly; ran into this problem and randomly fixed it without digging in the files- thanks for the formal answer though and yes+5 loved this mod since day1

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