Xander Mod Version 1

An extensive overhaul, emphasizing detailed and realistic chemistry, materials, and production. Extends the base game to marathon-style scope and difficulty.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Find bug

5 years ago

Seems to be a conflict between 'FiniteWater' and 'bobores'. This has nothing to do with this mod.

5 years ago

no no! activate yours mod - bug in open.

Deactivate - normal work.

5 years ago

delete codes in you miner.lua
fin 2 bug

5 years ago

delete codes rocket. lua

find 3 bug

5 years ago

and conflict work in inserters.lua ( item and technology (((( more bug fix

and new bug finds

5 years ago

Please compartible in angel refining
and bob inserters , ans basemod

find 40 bug((

5 years ago

Ah, Xander Mod version 1 is not compatible with bobs mods. See https://mods.factorio.com/mod/xander-mod-v1/discussion/5b0e8d5c2204af000b8cac28.

5 years ago

:( please compatible bro!

5 years ago


worked on previous versions. it was always ok. take a look.

4 years ago

Xander Mod version 1 is not compatible with bobs mods.
But if you want to solve this particular issue I'd sugest doing the following (in some data-final-fixes)(note that this depends on my math7-lib mod):

local function dedup_ingredients (ingr)
    if ingr == nil then return end
    local deduped_ingredients_map = {}
    for k,v in pairs(ingredients) do
        local ing_name = v.name or v[1]
        local ing_amount = v.amount or v[2] or 1
        local ing_type = v.type or "item"
        local ingredient = {name = ing_name, amount = ing_amount, type = ing_type}
        if deduped_ingredients_map[ing_name]
            ingredient.amount = ingredient.amount + deduped_ingredients_map[ing_name].amount
        deduped_ingredients_map[ing_name] = ingredient
    deduped_ingredients = {}
    for k,v in pairs(deduped_ingredients_map) do
        deduped_ingredients[#deduped_ingredients + 1] = v
    return deduped_ingredients

local function dedup_recipe_ingredients (recipe_name)
    local e,ingr,ingr_exp = math7.lib.recipe.get_ingredients(recipe_name)
    math7.lib.recipe.set_ingredients(recipe_name, dedup_ingredients(ingr), dedup_ingredients(ingr_exp))


(note that I havent tested this code)

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