SE Endgame Technology Tweaks

Modifies late game Space Exploration technologies to require higher tiers of Deep Space Science. Commisioned by Sebbo.

2 years ago

b Artillery Shell Range - Infinite research followed by level 10

2 years ago


I love the concept of what this mod is trying to do, and I'm trying to spin up a test world that has this added to my current K2-SE-BZ playthrough.

When I attempt to do so, I get an error telling me that artillery shell research has infinite research followed by level 10.

I know I'm using a number of mods that have the ability (and intent) to change around technologies, so it's very likely that I've messed something up. Additionally, I do have K2 active, which seems to be not compatible yet (if I am reading the Information tab correctly), so that might also explain it.

I have uploaded a test save that contains mods and settings you can use for troubleshooting, if you'd like:

Thanks for making this mod! Things like this that make late-game techs use late-game items just ... make sense, honestly.

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