Wormmus Config deprecated

by wormmus

Adds some extended customization options.

6 years ago

b Factorio v16.41, broken compatibility with Endgame Combat

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Endgame combat is throwing a recipe error when Wormmus Config is enabled alongside it in Factorio v16.41 (updated today from 16.39?). Error: "Failed to load mods: Error while loading recipe prototype "firearm-magazine-crate" (recipe): Difficulty normal: item ingredient can't have count of 0.
per release notes on v16.40 of factorio "Recipe item ingredients with a count of 0 are reported as an error instead of allowing inconsistent behaviour."

Now i'm not sure if this is actually on wormmus config's side or Endgame combat, or another mod and endgame combat just happens to trigger the error IFF wormmus is installed too.

6 years ago

the odd thing is, i can load EITHER wormmus config, OR Endgame combat, but if both are run at the same time, something is triggering /causing an ammo type to result with an ingredient with an amount = 0, and that's causing the game to crash

6 years ago

note: config in wormmus was set to magazine capacity = 250. disabling this resolves conflict.

6 years ago

I haven't got the time to work on the mod right now. My apologies.