Wormmus Config deprecated

by wormmus

Adds some extended customization options.

6 years ago

g Undocumented recipe changes ?

7 years ago

So i got the mod, changed only my inventory size and for some reason concrete changed from needing iron ore to needing iron sticks.

Also every version change since 1.2.0 needed me to research mining efficiency again and again.

7 years ago

Yeah I pushed out an update this morning and wiped the old changelog out, they are going to be added when I get home shortly.

I'm pushing out another update in about an hour so I'd like to know if it resets your productivity. Nothing dealing with that will be changing, but I may just have to take out the migrations script so that the productivity option only works with new saves.

7 years ago

I removed the recipe changes. I also removed the Migrations files. I also lowered the starting scan area.

7 years ago

The productivity remained at its current level. 1.2.3

7 years ago

Yeah, I removed the migration script altogether, so if somebody already has a game going, and adds the mod, their change most likely won't have any affect on previous levels or no change at all. It only affects new games now, as far as I know.