Wood Floor PLUS speed boost(brick speed)FIXED

Wood can be used to create paths that increase the walking speed by 25%.

7 years ago

g Bricks Speed is 30%

7 years ago

Bricks speed is only 30% (and small vehicle boost)
Concrete is 40% (and 20% vehicle boost)

Dont know if you just made a typo or error.

Personally I think Wood floors should be 25% for walking speed and no boost for vehicles. But thats my 2 cents. Your millage may very. ;)

7 years ago

yup I switched it. Mostly because I want to add plated floors and they are going to get faster the better plate you use like steel or gold or all bobs stuff.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Will you do that? And also make it compatible with water fix as is described here: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/GammaDelta/wooden-floors/discussion/16636

6 years ago

the short description says 25% and the long one like bricks, which is 40%, but both are wrong, you have it currently set to 50%...

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