What is it used for?

Inspects an item and tells you exactly what recipes it is used in.

8 years ago

i GUI Option For Recipe List

8 years ago

Printing the recipe list to the console works adequately for items that don't have many recipes they are used in, but the console will overflow for the more widely used items.

This mod would benefit from popping up a gui window with the list when an item is dropped onto it. You could also have a setting the user could use to toggle between using the gui popup or printing to the console.

A gui window popup would also be easier to read, as the environment makes console printout hard to see sometimes. Also icons next to the recipes would help with quicker recognition.

8 years ago

Yes. I feel like something really, REALLY bad would happen if you used some commonly-used item from Bob's MCI.

8 years ago

Hmm... I wonder what this piece of scrap is good for... .. .

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Yes. I feel like something really, REALLY bad would happen if you used some commonly-used item from Bob's MCI.

The worst what could happen is that the text would overflow outside your screen.

However more people have requested this and I think it would be a decently good add to this mod, so I will work on it. However this isn't something I can write in 35 minutes and a nice cup of coffee, so this update will take a day or more, depending on how much time I have.

8 years ago

One thing I would like to suggest, would be to send the output also to a text file, named after the item you're searching.

New response