Vibrant Trains

Makes train colors more vibrant and saturated.

3 years ago

i E locomotive Support?

3 years ago

Could you add support for the E-locomotive mod?

3 years ago

I don't know how cross-mod support works and I don't have the energy to learn that at the moment, so no, sorry.
If someone wants to make an edit to the script to add compatibility and send it to me, I'll gladly update it.

3 years ago

Nah, I don't know either mate. Maybe even the E-locomotive mod's author could do it? 🤔 Take care.

3 years ago

Actually, I tried adding this mod as an optional dependency on E-locomotives' mod, so that it would be loaded before (see: ) and apparently it just works, although compatibility would depend on e-locomotive's author doing the same to the mod.

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