
by orzelek

Removes terrain decorations to reduce save file size.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Crash on 0.13.17

8 years ago

Trying to clean up a rather large map, getting this error after loading for about 1 minute:

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
Bottleneck/control.lua:131: in function 'change_signal'
Bottleneck/control.lua:152: in function 'update'
Bottleneck/control.lua:116: in function <Bottleneck/control.lua:94>

8 years ago

This log shows that Bottleneck mod tries to do something - not sure how undecorator could affect this.

8 years ago

bottleneck uses decoratives as an indicator for the working state of a machine and Undecorator deletes these decorative entitys. When bottlenack tries to access the deleted entitys the game throws an error.
Making a check for the names: "red-bottleneck", "yellow-bottleneck", "green-bottleneck" before destroying the entities should fix this error.
Shouldnt be much work. You can make a config for whitelisting entitys, too. Or you can make a blacklist.

8 years ago

this only happens when a game is saved with bottleneck entitys and then loaded with undecorator.

New response