Yes of course, and thank you for the quick response, here you go:!AhBOC28LNfJfm74_C__urD_mdM3Uxw?e=UQc5Lu
I will say, it is not consistent in any way, as far as I can tell. I have seen it happen with my iron ore and iron plates trains; might be a correlation in the amount of them, as I have quite a lot of trains going those routes.
It also seems to change when I add or remove stations. I add an iron outpost, boom problem. I add a completely unrelated station, suddenly nothing.
From when I made the save file, roughly 5 minutes went past on my machine before the problem occurred. I would think it would be roughly the same for you. And when it did, I just noticed I got a message saying "cannot remove deadlock (change settings?)". It has probably been there all the time, but when the screen fills so quickly, I haven't noticed it before. Logs say the same:
" 374.823 Script @train_deadlock_finder/scripts/analyzer.lua:6: Cannot remove deadlock (change settings ?); {"IronPlateLoading","IronPlateUnloading"}"
I hope this helps!