Timed Technology deprecated

by Keiler

Changes every technology to take time and energy instead of resources

5 years ago

i Dont need resources, does need people...Mining Space Industries Mod integration

5 years ago

Maybe the GladOS Core, Hal9000 Core and Gordon Freeman (that works in the game as science packs in the mod "Mining Space Industries" or "MSI") might be the ones needed in Research labs instead of the regular science packs...that together with the need of power, they will be more realistic in the game. Anyone?

5 years ago

I'm talking about replace the science packs by Scientists or Engineers...If is there any mod that already make it possible, leave it here pls

5 years ago

Is there a compatability problem or do you want a mod witch just increases the power requirements for labs?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

There is no problem about compatibility, I just want to keep using some science packs in the lab, which is the mod ones (in the MSI mod, is the GladOS Core, Hal9000 Core and the Gordon Freeman). In the story that the "MSI" mod inserts on Factorio, we need to rescue some items and special science packs to research some technologies, for example, we need to bring back the "GladOS Core" for research the "Robotics" tech.

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