Thematic Quickstart

Adds the crash landing part of the crash landing.

4 years ago

g Feedback

4 years ago

I mention it gives a lots of bots. Way too many, IMO. Is it possible to change it so that for the "Large" setting the wreckage will contain just as few as 2-5 bots only, a single battery and just a few "accidentally not broken solars", so it will really feel like scrapping the leftovers instead of collecting all the required items to run through the rest of the game?

To make it feel more logical and realistic, I would suggest to NOT put burner mining drills and stone furnaces into the wreckage of the interstellar vehicle. Really, like, traveling among stars with those crude devices on board? Seriously? :) Should be just gears, electronics, iron, copper and pipes, IMO.

Otherwise, a great mod, thanks for the work. Looking forward to play with it once it will be more polished and balanced.
Good luck!

4 years ago

Hm, I love the concept of broken bits of equipment (these might even be able to be repaired or something, so thanks for the idea, because i am totally stealing that).

As for the balancing, I am not sure, personally I do agree that the higher level configs are too much, both for my play style and for my views on balancing, however I am not sure reducing the amount of bots received would solve this, as bots are really busted early game in vanilla, fullstop, however I don't really want to remove the option all together due to some more complex modpacks really benefiting from bots early game, and depending on how this modpack evolves perhaps it too would benefit from early game bots. So I think a warning that some of the higher configs break the balancing early game.

Thanks for the feedback

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