Factorio Standard Library

by Nexela

The Factorio Standard Library is a project to bring Factorio modders high-quality, commonly-required utilities and tools.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Data.Pipes empty page?

5 years ago

Looking through the index.html file, and checking the various pages, Data.Pipes appears to be an empty page with just the word "Pipes", instead of having information like the other pages.

5 years ago

Thank you for the heads up, Some of the stuff in still WIP and not fully documented Data.Pipes being one of them. and there being a total lack of support for Recipe results :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Happy to help, this library seems pretty powerful. I'm just poking around to see if I can use this to simplify/rewrite some of my mods, which have... somewhat ramshackle code that's just cobbled together to work.

Some other questions; under the readme.md (still in index.html), the usage instructions direct us to download and unzip a package from github to include in our mods, which is probably not the current method of utilizing this library. How exactly would one go about using this library as a standalone mod?

EDIT: I guess that was a little obvious. There's a usage bit at the top of almost every page, detailing how we would gain access to the functions detailed in said page.

5 years ago

Yeah the documents need to be updated somewhat in a lot of places

New response