Starry-Sakura 樱满星辰

樱满星辰模组新增樱花与星辰科技,新增了更多物流学、军工学、插件、组装机、核能科技等等…… 同时,该模组也是作为s-s系列的核心mod Starry Sakura adds new sakura and star technology,and adds more logistics,military,modules,assembling machine,nuclear energy… Also, this module is also as the core mod of S-S series 若要转载请留下作者ID,欢迎入群:827295286 Leave the Author ID if you want to reprint it. Author's contact

1 year, 10 months ago

g 你用MIT然後限制修改說不過去啊

3 years ago


3 years ago

What I mean is modified for commercial operation, because I'm not just the mod of factorio, I also is other mod makers of others games, I had encountered someone modify my mod and for commercial sale,.It is allowed to modify my mod, after all, I'm about to publish "How to Make a factorio mod" on Zhihu. This mod is used as a template to teach you. I am allowed to modify privately, but I do not want you to directly steal and spread the modification, or conduct commercial operations.

[deleted message]
3 years ago


3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

After reading MIT's license agreement repeatedly, I found that MIT does allow re-creation and commercialization. Thanks for the reminder from the player meifray. Now the license agreement has been changed to GPLv3, but I still allow you to modify it, but it doesn't mean any commercial operation.

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