Spidertron Tiers (community updates)

by psznm

Adds 13 new unique Spidertrons! Whether high firepower, early game, speed, inventory size or fog war reveal, there is something for everyone.

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Bulwark Mk1 and rocket launcher

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Bulwark spidertron Mk1 is armed by rocket launcher, but it's technology doesn't require "Rocketry" in prerequisites. Maybe, you should add it?
And one more - i'm finalizing the translation this mod to russian language. Can you add it?

3 months ago

Hello, sorry for the late reply. I would be happy to accept a pull request to the mod if you make one. If you can't do that, I can make the changes if you provide the data.

New response