Spidertron Extended

Adds Spidertron MK2, Spidertron MK3, the Immolator and the Ghost Weaver, more powerful upgraded versions of Spidertron that can be crafted from the original, with enhanced firing capabilities, larger inventory size, equipment grid, radar coverage, mobility and much more.

3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Immolator error encountered

3 years ago

The mod Spidertron Extended (0.3.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event spidertron-extended::on_built_entity (ID 6)
spidertron-extended/control.lua:20: bad argument #1 of 3 to 'insert' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'insert'
spidertron-extended/control.lua:20: in function <spidertron-extended/control.lua:5>

3 years ago

Happened when trying the place the Immolator into the world on single play

3 years ago

oh cool, someone tried the immolator.
New world or from a save? Any other mods enabled?
Sorry about that spider, i was playing a lot with it trying to make it unique and to be honest i was expecting for it to have issues. Though when i was testing locally it was still working, so my best current guess would be that it has some incompatibility with the save.

looking over the code:
table.insert(global.immolator, immolator)
it's failing at this line because it was expecting a table but got a nil, so that means the first initialization of the table didn't work, so if i check the table and remake it right before it should fix this issue.

3 years ago

Okay added version 0.3.2 with hopefully a fix for this, though i don't know if it's just gonna fail at another line, so tell me if it's any issue.

We were also talking that we should make a discord so that ppl can post pictures and maybe we can help fix stuff faster.
https://discord.gg/Dh4mBkz have a link, it will be posted on the information page on a later date.

3 years ago

Even more changes on 0.3.3, this kind of crashes shouldn't happen at all anymore.

New response