Spidertron etc.

by Aphlax

Spidertron - [E]xtra [T]weaks & [C]apabilities adds utilities for the spidertron like a docking port, a launcher, spidertron automation and more.

2 months ago

g Automated Itemization of Spidertron?

7 months ago

Heyo! I saw this was just updated, and I was hoping to put an idea out there. Do you think it would be possible to automatically turn the spidertron back into an item after it is placed as an entity through the use of a building or something like that? That would be incredible if that is the case!

6 months ago

Hey, thank you for the request. I'll look into it when I'm back from travelling (in a few months)

6 months ago

Thank you!! I appreciate that a lot! I hope you have a good trip :)

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