Continuation of Space Factorissimo by Shadox for factorio 1.1.
Important! Do not update to >1.0.0 verstions for old saves. notnotmelon's fork is not compatible with MagmaMcFry's Factorissimo2 mod. This is safe for new saves.
I don't understand the purpose of this mod. What does it do that plain Factorissimo2 doesn't?
Can you not use Factorissimo2 with Space Exploration or something?
The factorissimo2 factory doesn't have the se_allow_in_space = true attribute in it's prototype so it would conflict with layer 17 of the collision mask. At the moment, this simply adds a new factory that's a reskin of the factory mk3 and changes it's internal tiles to be very similar to SE's space platform while also adding the se_allow_in_space = true attribute allowing it to be built on space platforms.