Space Exploration (Integration Control) deprecated

by Linver

Add some option to control the changing that Space Exploration do to vanilla game, that something make conflict with other mods or player's style.

5 years ago

g Hello

5 years ago

Looks like you decided to lead your own project congratulations!
This mod is quite complex (I'm actually helping Earendel as a tester) are you sure can handle this complexity? If you want I can lend you a hand...

5 years ago

Ehi there! I miss u <3
I will be glad to work with u again, i'm sorry for to be gone away from ur project but i got frustraded for try make undegroud heat pipe and discover factorio prototype limitation.

Now i'm working with Krastor on Krastorio, and help him with the code. We are also working on another mod "Fluid Must Flow" that will be realeased soon ;)

About this little mod that i make, Earendel works it's great but the vanilla changing that he do could create many problems, this thing aim for able me to disable something chaning, if u want add another option for ur use too i could add u to collaborators.
I say to Earendel that i use this mod for my personal use and with my friends (and this is the true intention when i upload that in the mod portal, for use server mods synchronization), but if he don't have problem about more than one group of people want use it, we could do it

5 years ago

:D I missed you too
Factorio's limitations can be a bit frustrating I know but we have to deal with it. It's always a pleasure to work with you
I'm testing your mod now if I find any problem I'll let you know.
I think you should join in Earendel's Discord channel I'm always there and there's a lot of cool people too! :D

5 years ago

I'm already there. If u want contact me, search me in Krastorio's Discord :)

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