Sure thing! You can find the source code of this mod on GitHub (linked on the main page). This file makes the changes to Spidertron if you want to look at that as an example.
For modding in general, the Wiki has some good info and tutorials). If you're trying to make a script that runs during the game, you would use the modding API documented here (that also has some good general modding info at the top). If you're making modifications to the prototype data, the Wiki also has great documentation on them.
For what you mentioned, I would recommend starting by looking at the SpiderVehicle prototype and see what you can change about it. It's also helpful to look through the source code of the base mod (which you can find in the folder where Factorio is installed on your computer) to see how it sets up the Spidertron guns. Then look through the Krastorio source code to see how it creates the atomic bombs and antimatter missiles. Don't forget to add Krastorio as a dependency to your mod.