Semi-Classic Mining Drill

by Kirazy

Replaces the current vanilla mining drill with the first reworked version of the mining drill.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g about the spirit and animation

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I am doing modding and I am aimming publish my mod directly into public domain,
Where can I got the the version contain this miningdrill spirit?
Can I just download your file and do tint to make my mod with graphic?(asking for license)
May I request you make the art after I done my mod?(I dont got thing to pay you except saying thank you...)

2 years ago

The sprite in this mod was produced by the Factorio dev team as a first-pass rework of the mining drill, you can use the sprite without issue.

As to making art for your mod, I've got a lot of art I'm working on already, sorry, I won't be able to do that for you.

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