Krastorio2 - Personal Tweaks

Matches equipment grids of Angel's locomotives with K2's locomotives. If Cargo Ships is installed, does the same thing to them. Boat will have same grid as the car. Plus some other tweaks originally made for personal use.

11 months ago

b Crash involving K2 labs

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Failed to load mods : Error while loading entity prototype "kr-singularity-lab" (lab): Item "basic-tech-card" is specified twice in the lab

There's so many mods involved in that load sequence i'm unsure where the snarl is exactly, but taking all the involved mods in editing the Krastorio singularity lab and looking in i think i tracked it down to Space Exploration Postprocess that re-enables all science pack types for the singularity lab for the purpose of infinite research.

Deleting the offending code fixed it, but a check for SE would be best.

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