Krastorio2 - Personal Tweaks

Matches equipment grids of Angel's locomotives with K2's locomotives. If Cargo Ships is installed, does the same thing to them. Boat will have same grid as the car. Plus some other tweaks originally made for personal use.

11 months ago

b Crash with Aircraft + AAI programmable vehicles

2 years ago

Crash on start when used with both mods in the thread title.

This happens as the mod attempts to reference aircraft weapons that are removed by AAI Programmable vehicles (MGs on the cargo plane and fortress, rocket launcher on the jet.)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Ok found the problem.

I had removed all references to aircrafts on AAI's side (which was made very confusing by those changes being made twice in different files in the mod, (in prototypes/ai-vehicles.lua and in prototypes/entity/entity-update-eternals) in case someone trying to do the same wonders why it's not working) given i have those disabled in it's config as they're not compatible with the realistic aircraft patch and it still failed to load despite the weapon loadouts being back to normal.

Turns out in data-final-fixes.lua lines 88-96 you assume that if AAI Programmable Vehcles and Aircraft are loaded then the AI aircraft versions are in, which they aren't if they are disabled in config.

It's the AAI prototype names that led me to assume it was referencing the weapons when it really wasn't.

Deleting the offending lines fixed it for now, but a check that the aircraft actually exist should be added.

New response